Your Guide & Benefits of Pineapple Infused Water

Are you looking for new ways to get your health on the right track without much effort? You can change your eating habits or simply add supplements to your diet. But we have found an amazing way that will help you improve your health. It is pineapple-infused water. 

Drinking a glass of this infused water gives you the goodness of pineapple, which has many micronutrients. This fruit is also loaded with vitamin C, which can keep your body healthy in many ways. 

Why Must You Drink Pineapple Infused Water?

Pineapple-infused water is not only tasty, but it also offers the below-mentioned benefits: 

#1 Boosts Immunity 

You can effectively boost your immunity with pineapple-infused water because it contains different enzymes, minerals, and vitamins. Together, these elements offer a boost of immunity and reduce inflammation. 

Not to mention, pineapple-infused water is also a rich source of vitamin C, which can effectively clean the body. Complete body cleansing keeps diseases and organ dysfunction at bay. 

In addition, regular consumption of pineapple-infused water also helps the body to produce collagen. 

#2 Improves Eyesight 

A glass of pineapple-infused water is loaded with antioxidants, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C. These elements are known to improve eyesight by fighting cell damage. In addition, they can decrease the risk of muscular degeneration. 

Not to mention, pineapple water also has beta-carotene that can help with enhancing eye health. 

#3 Aids Digestion 

Pineapple is packed with bromelain, an enzyme that can help digest protein. That means this fruit can act as a meat tenderizer. By consuming pineapple water, you can improve your digestion and food absorption. 

Especially people dealing with constipation must include pineapple-infused water in their regular diet to have a healthy digestive tract. Regularly consuming pineapple-infused water first thing in the morning can improve your meal digestion. 

#4 Regulated Blood Pressure 

The potassium in pineapple-infused water can help keep blood pressure under control. For this reason, people with high blood pressure must include pineapple-infused water daily in their water. 

In addition, people with hypertension and similar issues can also regularly consume pineapple water as it is rich in sodium. 

#5 Helps in Weight Loss 

The reason pineapple-infused water helps with weight loss is that it is low sugar-free and low in calories. You can safely get all the benefits of pineapple simply by including the infused water in your diet. 

The friendly fibers present in pineapple-infused water can help with better food digestion and absorption. That means you can stop fat from accumulating in your body with regular consumption of infused water. 

If you have a sweet tooth, you can carry pineapple-infused water with you so you don’t eat something unhealthy when craving sweetness. 

#6 Reduces Inflammation 

Pineapple-infused water can be used to treat sports injuries and inflammation. With regular consumption, you can reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis, which reduces the ability to fight pain. You can also treat achy joints and nasal swelling with pineapple-infused water. 

#7 Less Prone to Intestinal Parasites 

By regularly consuming pineapple water, your body can develop the ability to fight intestinal parasites. That’s because bromelain, present in pineapple, has an anti-parasitic feature. 

#8 Less Problem with Thyroid 

If you have an autoimmune disorder, you must include pineapple water in your regular diet. This fruit has iodine and bromelain that is helpful for people who are suffering from thyroiditis. 

#9 Experience Less Cramps

If you are a passionate athlete or involved in an active lifestyle, including pineapple water in your diet can be beneficial. Pineapple can balance the body’s electrolytes as it is loaded with potassium. 

So, before getting into physical activity, pamper yourself with a glass of delicious pineapple-infused water. This way, you will feel less injury and cramps. 

How to Make Pineapple Infused Water?

Making pineapple-infused water is quite simple and quick. 

For the preparation, you need to cut fresh chunks from the pineapple fruit. Then take a large jug, fill it with water, and add pineapple chunks and lime slices. 

Cover the jug with a lid and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, take the pineapple water out and enjoy it with your breakfast. 

Below are a few tips for making refreshing pineapple-infused water:

  • After preparing the pineapple water, make sure you let it rest in the refrigerator for around an hour. It helps the fruit to release its flavors. 
  • You can increase or decrease pineapple chunks depending on your preference. 
  • Make sure you use a ripe pineapple to make infused water, so the flavors get released into the water properly. 
  • If you are preparing pineapple water to serve later, skip adding lime during preparation, as the water can get bitter. You can, instead, add the lime a few minutes before serving. 

Variations of Pineapple Infused Water

You can make your pineapple water more flavorful by adding lemon or oranges instead of lime. This way, you can get an extra citrusy flavor. 

If you want more intense flavors, you can consider adding mint leaves while adding fresh pineapple chunks in the jug. Including cucumber, strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries can also help you get that extra punch of flavors. 

Lastly, you can spice up your pineapple water by adding a cinnamon stick, fresh ginger, star anise, or cloves. 

Different Ways of Eating Pineapple 

If you are looking for more ways to include pineapple in your diet, below are some unique ways. Scroll down to check for less-than-conventional ways of enjoying this fruit. 

  • You can swap the hamburger buns with grilled pineapple slices.
  • You can prepare a delicious salad by adding pineapple, red bell peppers, purple onions, and lime juice. 
  • Increase the pineapple intake by adding it to guacamole. 
  • Spice up your regular oatmeal by adding pineapple chunks and mint to it. 

How to Store Pineapple Water?

After preparing pineapple-infused water, you can store it for a whole day in the refrigerator. It’s not encouraged to store it for more than a day as the water can turn cloudy. The infused fruit can later be used for making smoothies. 

Considerations with Pineapple Water

While consuming pineapple water, you must not overdose because bromelain present in pineapple is a meat-tenderizing enzyme. Overeating can cause diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. 

Frequent headaches are also a result of overconsuming pineapple water. Also, pregnant women must keep their pineapple consumption minimum as it can even lead to miscarriage. 


Pineapple-infused water is an utterly delicious drink you can regularly consume to reap the goodness of pineapple. This infused water is believed to be a great source of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that can improve your health.

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