What is Black Seed Oil Good For [11 Amazing Benefits]

Black seed oil is produced from the Nigella sativa (N. Sativa) flowering plant that grows in Southern Europe, North Africa, Southwest Asia, and the Middle East. 

This shrub produces fruit that has tiny black seeds, which are called N. Sativa. 

Read this post to learn about the potential benefits, doses, and the right way of using black seed oil. 

Benefits of Using Black Seed Oil

Black seed oil is known to treat a variety of health conditions. 

Below are some common benefits of black seed oil:

#1 High in Antioxidants 

Black seed oil is known to be loaded with antioxidants that can protect cells from damage caused by unstable molecules called free radicals. 

By regularly using antioxidants-rich black seed oil, you can experience reduced inflammation. It also protects against heart diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s. 

In addition, black seed oil is also rich in thymoquinone, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 

#2 Help in treating Asthma 

Asthma is a severe health condition where the airways lining swells and the surrounding muscles constrict. It makes breathing difficult for a person. 

Fortunately, using black seed oil can help in getting relief from asthma. The thymoquinone in the oil helps relax muscles in the airways and reduces inflammation. 

#3 Helps with Weight Loss 

Research has shown that regular black seed oil can help reduce body fat. Individuals with obesity, type 2 diabetes, or metabolic syndrome can use this oil to reduce their BMI. 

A study has revealed that women who consume black seed oil for a set period have seen better health loss than women who were following a low-calorie diet. Despite this result, more studies must be done on black seed oil to know its long-term safety and efficiency. 

#4 Lower Blood Sugar Level 

Individuals with diabetes must keep their blood sugar levels in control. It might increase the risk of severe complications like stroke, kidney disease, eye disease, and more if not done. 

People with type 2 diabetes can regularly consume black seed oil to decrease the rate at which blood sugar levels increase. 

#5 Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels 

Black seed oil is known to reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure. If these levels are not regularly checked, they can increase the risk of developing heart problems. 

A study has revealed that people taking black seed oil for a couple of days have decreased their total cholesterol levels. Their blood pressure was also under control. 

#6 Protects Brain Health 

Neuroinflammation plays an important role in developing Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. Fortunately, thymoquinone in black seed oil can help reduce this neuroinflammation and protect the brain’s health. 

A study has revealed that people taking black seed oil for around 9 weeks have noticed an improvement in their brain’s health. But more research needs to be done to understand the true effectiveness of black seed oil in protecting the brain’s health. 

#7 Promotes Wound Healing 

The black seed oil is also known to promote wound healing. The black seed oil contains a thymoquinone compound that can stimulate tissue growth and promote wound healing. 

#8 Anti-bacterial in Nature 

The black seed oil is antibacterial and can be applied to the skin to prevent acne. It effectively fights skin infections when applied to the skin. 

#9 Fights Hair Fall 

Regular usage of black seed oil can reduce hair fall and promote regrowth. It is possible because the oil is loaded with nigellone and thymoquinone. 

The latter compound is an effective inflammation-fighting compound that can properly nourish the hair. Applying black seed oil without medication is safe as it is a natural way to regrow hair. 

#10 Improve Hair and Scalp Health 

Did you know that you can significantly increase your hair and scalp health by using black seed oil? What’s more? Well, it can also result in reverse graying of the hair by protecting the pigmentation in hair follicles. 

#11 Fights Skin Infection 

Using black seed oil, you can treat common skin infections like eczema and psoriasis. This oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties and easily soothes irritated skin.  

How to Use Black Seed Oil?


Here’s how you can consume black seed oil: 

Purchase Black Seed Oil

Start by looking for the best brand that sells authentic black seed oil. As black seed oils are not regulated the way drugs are, you need to read the reviews to find the best one. 

Start the Consumption 

When you start consuming the black seed oil, begin with one tablespoon, around 25mL. Regular consumption of this oil can offer numerous health benefits. 

It is known to support the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems. Regularly consuming one tablespoon of black seed oil can improve liver function, reduce allergy symptoms, and reduce body weight. 

Mixing Black Seed Oil with Honey 

The black seed oil has a strong flavor that everyone does not like. If you are consuming the black seed oil directly, add lemon and honey to make it palatable. But if you consume black seed oil by adding in a juice or smoothie, you don’t have to add honey or lemon. 

Mix to Salad Dressing 

Another interesting way to include black seed oil in your diet is adding it to the salad dressing. Mix the black seed oil with other salad dressing ingredients. Then drizzle it over your usual salad to make it more flavorful and healthy. 

Buy Capsules

You can buy black seed oil capsules if you dislike the black seed oil taste. Consume the capsules as you would consume any other supplement and add it to your daily regime. 

Tropical Application 

#1 Test for Reactions 

If you purchase black seed oil for topical applications, the best thing to do is conduct a patch test to know about any allergic reaction. Then, you must simply apply a small amount of black seed oil to your wrist and wait for an entire day. 

You are allergic to black seed oil if you notice irritation or redness. But you are good to go if you don’t see any reaction. 

#2 Add Black Seed Oil to Shampoo and Oil

The best way to include black seed oil in your usual beauty regime is by adding it to your oil, shampoo, and lotion. For example, add 5-10 drops of black seed oil to your lotion and gently massage your body. 

Recommended Dosage 

Black seed oil offers numerous health benefits, but you must never replace it with any of your current medications. 

That’s because there is insufficient evidence to support black seed oil’s effectiveness. The dosage of black seed oil for different health issues may vary. 

For asthma, you need to take 100 mg of black seed oil capsules for around four months to see improvement. On the other hand, for weight loss, you can consume 2-3 grams of black seed oil for 12 weeks. 

As far as safety is concerned, you must not use black seed oil for more than three months. Always consult a doctor if you see any significant effect and want to continue the dosage. 


Black seed oil is known to be associated with many herbal benefits. It is particularly used for treating inflammation and managing body weight. Also, this beneficial ingredient is easily available at most pharmacies. So, you can add it to your regular diet to see the best results.

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