Top 10 Benefits of Raw Eggs (Are Raw Eggs Good for You?)

Consuming raw eggs generally has a bad reputation. So, you may be wondering, are raw eggs good for you? Most people associate the consumption of raw eggs with contracting a salmonella infection. However, some distributors of eggs pasteurize their products, a process that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) claims effectively reduces the chance of contracting salmonella. Perhaps most importantly, research shows that there many benefits of drinking raw eggs.

1. Raw Eggs Offer Plenty of Nutrients

Raw egg benefits are abundant, especially when one considers the number of nutrients packed into uncooked eggs. In fact, eggs have a reputation for being some of the most nutrient-dense foods available. One raw egg contains a plethora of micro and macronutrients ranging from healthy fats such as Omega-3s, vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D and magnesium, and plenty of other nutrients. 

The composition of eggs in general makes the product one of the healthiest foods on the planet. A single serving of a raw egg will provide over half of an individual’s daily intake of several vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. 

2. Raw Eggs Aid in Weightloss

The average raw egg contains 72 calories, 5 grams of fat, and 6 grams of protein. The combination of healthy fats, proteins, and low-calorie count makes raw eggs an excellent choice for individuals seeking to lose weight. According to one study, researchers found that eggs may boost a person’s metabolism and reduce hunger, preventing unnecessary food consumption throughout the day. More so, the protein-rich traits of raw eggs encourage the growth of lean muscle rather than body fat. Additionally, the combination of healthy fats and quality protein found in raw eggs has been linked to individuals losing weight, especially in those that consume raw eggs daily. 

If one is attempting to lose weight, they are probably working out alongside eating healthy. Working out regularly often leads to inflammation of the muscles that may be quite uncomfortable. Raw eggs may also aid in weight loss by encouraging individuals to work out more comfortably since raw eggs are known to reduce inflammation. 

3. Raw Eggs Are Full of Protein 

Unlike many other foods like meats that contain protein, most dieticians consider raw eggs a whole protein source. A whole protein source consists of 9 types of amino acids alongside protein. In fact, raw eggs offer some of the highest biological value of protein for those who consume the product compared to other foods. In short, raw eggs are an incredibly convenient and fast means to incorporate your daily dose of protein into your diet. 

4. Raw Eggs May Make Your Hair and Skin Look Healthier

Raw eggs offer proteins and vitamins that encourage hair and skin health that may make individuals break out less and their hair appear shinier and stronger. More specifically, eggs are full of B, D, and E vitamins, all of which link to hair and skin health. For example, B vitamins are vital for skin regeneration, which plays a huge part in healthy skin. Vitamin D deficiencies have been linked to premature hair loss since vitamin D maintains hair follicles. Vitamin E has also linked to both hair and skin health. All 3 vitamins are known to treat scaly, dry skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. 

5. Raw Eggs May Offer Eye Protection

The antioxidants in raw eggs are also known to help protect your eyes from disease. More specifically, raw eggs are full of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. Research shows that both antioxidants may reduce the risk of contracting diseases that affect the eyes such as cataracts and muscle degeneration. When it comes to raw eggs, some experts claim that properties in raw eggs encourage the body’s digestion of lutein compared to other foods high in lutein and known for encouraging eye health. 

6. Raw Eggs May Increase Male Fertility

Regularly consuming raw eggs may increase fertility in men attempting to conceive. Some sources claim that raw eggs may encourage sperm movement, which enhances the probability of conception. Raw eggs are also high in selenium, a mineral known to increase male fertility. On top of selenium, raw eggs contain B12 vitamins, which have also been studied in relation to the success of conception. 

7. Raw Eggs May Increase Energy 

The B12 vitamins in raw eggs also increase energy. Raw eggs also contain other B vitamins linked to an increase in energy, such as riboflavin. Both riboflavin and B12 vitamins are necessary for energy production. In fact, experts affirm that a deficiency in B vitamins may lead to a devastating lack of energy. B12 vitamins and riboflavin encourage high energy levels since B vitamins help the body absorb energy from fats, proteins, and carbs, all of which contain calories that are required for human energy. 

8. Raw Eggs Are Heart Healthy

Raw eggs are a heart-healthy choice for a snack full of choline and healthy cholesterol. Studies analyzing the relationship between choline and heart health found that regular choline intake may reduce blood pressure, which in turn keeps both blood vessels and the heart in good health. Other studies claim that choline may even decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. Additionally, regularly consuming raw eggs increases an individual’s high-density cholesterol, which is essential for heart health. The amino acids and Omega-3s present in raw eggs also aid in keeping one’s blood pressure at a heart-healthy level. 

9. Raw Eggs May Positively Impact Brain Function

Studies argue that the nutrient choline also encourages brain function in individuals who regularly consume raw eggs. In fact, most dieticians claim that choline is a micronutrient that encourages the creation of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter known to positively impact mood and memory. For example, some research has found that higher choline levels may indicate better cognitive function compared to others with normal choline levels. Some professionals also speculate that choline may improve cognitive functions in patients with a range of neurological diseases, however, this link has yet to be proven. 

Researchers also speculate that the average person does not digest the appropriate amount of choline on a regular basis. Raw eggs are a convenient way to reach appropriate choline levels and are even known as some of the most choline-rich foods. 

10. Raw Eggs Strengthen Your Immune System

Lastly, raw eggs strengthen the immune systems of individuals who regularly consume them. The combination of vitamins, proteins, and minerals makes for a healthy immune system. For example, the high amounts of vitamin A and B12 vitamins found in raw eggs are known to boost immune function. Raw eggs are also rich in D vitamins, which help individuals recover from illness and prevent illness from happening in the first place. The high amounts of zinc and selenium also encourage immune system functionality, as both minerals are essential for typical bodily functions. 

Increasing Your Consumption of Raw Eggs

There are plenty of raw egg benefits, especially when considering the number of nutrients packed into a single raw egg. Additionally, raw eggs are relatively safe to consume if they are pasteurized. As always, speak with your doctor if you plan on increasing your raw egg intake. While the clear benefits of regularly consuming raw eggs may seem appealing, your doctor will advise you on whether or not the benefits of consuming raw eggs outweigh the risk of contracting diseases like salmonella.

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