Signs You Should Be Taking More Magnesium

As we age, our bodies start to function a little differently. We may not be as active as we once were, or our diets may have changed.

This can lead to us not getting the recommended daily amount of magnesium, which can cause a variety of problems.

Here are five signs that you may not be getting enough magnesium as you age.

1. You’re Muscles Cramp Often

If you’re a senior and experience muscle cramps or twitches, it could be a sign that you’re deficient in magnesium.

Magnesium plays a role in muscle contraction and relaxation, so bringing your levels up may help reduce the frequency and severity of muscle cramps, as well as fatigue and soreness related to exercise.

2. You Have High Blood Pressure

Magnesium deficiency may be a contributing factor to high blood pressure.

Magnesium helps to relax your blood vessels and reduce inflammation, so if you don’t have enough of it, it can lead to high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart disease.

Some studies have shown that magnesium supplementation may be an effective aid for reducing blood pressure. Always consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement, especially if you’re already taking medication for high blood pressure.

3. You Experience Migraines Multiple Times a Week

Magnesium is necessary for developing and managing brain and nerve cells, as well as other important neurological processes.

People who often suffer from migraines tend to have reduced magnesium levels, and elevating these levels appears to reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines.

For this reason, supplements and magnesium-based medications are currently being explored for their potential to be more effective and faster-acting than currently available migraine treatments

4. You’re Have Anxiety

As we age, many of us find that our mental processes change. We may feel more anxious or depressed, and our ability to think creatively may decline.

This is because as we age, magnesium levels in our brains drop, leading to decreased nerve function.

However, supplements containing magnesium may help seniors combat these conditions.

5. You Have Trouble Sleeping

Are you struggling to get a good night’s sleep? Magnesium may be the key.

Magnesium helps regulate the activity of a neurotransmitter called GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). One of GABA’s primary functions is to help you relax and return to normal after periods of stress.

In addition to contributing to anxiety, low magnesium levels (and, therefore, reduced GABA activity) can make it harder for you to fall asleep at the end of the night. Magnesium also helps your metabolism convert food into energy—less magnesium could mean less energy.

These effects can manifest as constant tiredness, as well as other symptoms that typically accompany fatigue: difficulty concentrating, irritability, and depression. If you’re struggling with any of these issues, talk to your doctor about supplementing with magnesium. You may just find yourself getting the deep, restful sleep you need!

So Should You Be Taking Magnesium

More likely than not, you’re probably deficient in magnesium. given how safe the supplement is, it not a bad idea to test how your body reacts to more magnesium.

Generally it’s best to take before bed for an amazing nights sleep!

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