Should You Eat a Spoonful of Honey Every Day?

Honey is a syrup liquid that honeybees make from plant nectar. People around the world love it for its delicious taste and flavor. It is used in preparing many dishes. 

Interestingly, depending on the flower type, honey’s taste, color, and smell change. That means there are such wide varieties. 

Besides having a delicious taste, honey also offers many potential benefits. It has impressive medicinal properties and is used in many home remedies. 

Keep reading to know the benefits of consuming a spoon of honey daily. 

Reasons to Consume a Spoon of Honey Daily 

Here’s why you must consume honey daily:

#1 Weight Loss 

According to a study on regular consumption of honey, your body tends to burn fat while sleeping. You can add a spoonful of honey to a glass of warm water and drink it first in the morning. The honey and water drink improve digestion and help with faster weight loss. 

#2 Boosts Immune System

Honey is known to have medicinal properties that help boost the immune system. Honey’s antioxidant and bacteria preservation compound can help you eliminate an irritated throat. 

In fact, by consuming a spoon of honey daily, you can keep diseases away. Out of the available types, buckwheat honey has maximum antioxidants that offer sufficient boosting immunity for a long time. 

#3 Nurtures Face and Skin 

The moisturizing and nurturing compound in honey can keep the skin in good condition. Honey can be mixed and applied to the skin to fight dryness issues. 

To unclog the pores and hydrate your skin, you must use raw honey. You can also apply it to your lips for perfect moisturization during winter. Honey can also be applied to treat burns, cuts, or wounds. 

#4 Good for Memory 

We must consume honey because it nourishes our mental and physical health. Regular consumption strengthens memory and expands brain power. 

You can also keep metabolism stress away and soothe your brain, which helps in increasing memory in the long run. Honey is good for memory because of its antioxidant and medicinal properties. 

#5 Cough Remedy 

Whether you are dealing with a dry or wet cough, honey can help you fight the problem. Consuming honey helps with soreness by creating lubrication in the throat. Doctors also suggest consuming honey to get rid of coughs and to get proper sleep. 

#6 Prevent and Control Eczema 

Eczema is a condition where the skin gets flaky, irritated, and red. Anyone dealing with this issue can apply a mixture of honey and cold-pressed olive oil directly to the skin. Honey in the mixture will make the skin smoother and softer. 

Similarly, you can add honey to oats to remove dead cells from your skin. You can stop eczema from happening by regularly applying honey. 

#7 Phytonutrient Powerhouse 

Phytonutrient is a compound in honey that is responsible for antioxidant properties. It also has antibacterial and antifungal power. The presence of this compound makes honey immune-boosting. 

#8 Useful in Sunburn

Honey is a helpful home remedy that helps in treating burns. It offers sufficient nutrients to the damaged tissues by decreasing inflammation. 

To use honey to treat sunburn, you must mix one part of raw honey with two parts of aloe vera gel. Then, gently apply to the affected area to get quick results. 

#9 Fights Acne and Pimple 

Honey’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can remove excess oil from the skin. It even clears clogged and blocked pores. 

You can use honey to fight acne and pimple by applying honey to the affected area. Leave the honey for 15 minutes, and then wash your face with tap water. 

How To Include Honey In Your Diet

Do you want to consume a spoonful of honey by adding delicious recipes? Below are some suggestions for you. 

#1 Honey Lemonade 

One quickest and most straightforward way of consuming honey is adding it to your regular lemonade. This delicious combination is high in fiber and pectin. 

By regularly drinking honey lemonade, you can clear up your belly, and it also helps you lose weight. This lemonade helps the brain produce chemicals that relax the mind and body. 

You can drink yummy honey lemonade at any time of the day to get the best results. 

#2 Milk and Raw Honey 

Did you know that you can make your regular glass of milk yummy by adding a spoon of honey? Besides making the glass of milk tasty, honey also relaxes the body before bedtime. It also regulates the release of insulin in the bloodstream. 

#3 Tea with Honey 

You can pair premium honey with tea to decrease artificial sugar intake. Honey is commonly used to add a naturally sweet flavor to green and black tea. 

Honey is loaded with glucose, fructose, calcium, potassium, and iron, making it much healthier than usual sugar. 

#4 Honey Salad Dressing 

Honey dressing can give an extra burst of flavors to your salad. Mix the honey dressing with mustard, vinegar, pepper, and salt. After that, you can toss your salad to blast interesting flavors. 

Mostly, honey dressing is added to avocado, onion, cucumber, and spinach salad. This way, you can also make your salad a lot healthier. What’s better? Well, the honey dressing stays in good condition for as long as 3 weeks. 

So, prepare this yummy dressing and store it in the fridge to use it several times. You can add honey to your usual fruit salad to give it a unique flavor. 

#5 Honey Coated Fruits and Nuts 

You can make your meal a lot more flavorful and nutritional by drizzling honey on the top. Raw honey over freshly cut apples or berries before grilling gives a yummy caramelized flavor. 

If you like to roast your nuts in clarified butter, don’t forget to add honey to give a naturally sweet taste.

#6 Dessert and Sweet 

Lastly, you can add honey to sweets to get a creamy texture and sweet flavor. Honey makes a perfect pair with most desserts and cakes. Many chefs use honey as the primary sweetener to substitute for artificial sugar. There are many health benefits of adding honey to sweets and desserts. 

How to Choose the Right Raw Honey 

To purchase raw honey, you must look for a label that says ‘raw.’ Or you can directly purchase honey from a farm before the honey is pasteurized. 

You might commonly see honey labels saying natural, organic, or pure, but these things do not tell whether or not honey is raw. Raw honey can be easily found in organic grocery stores and farmer’s markets. 

How to Store Raw Honey 

Surely, honey expires quickly, but it can get contaminated. For this reason, it’s advised to store honey in a sealed container, away from extreme temperatures and light. 

If your honey starts crystalizing after a while, you can heat it over a light flame so the crystals can melt. Avoid heating honey over a high flame, as it can kill the essential properties.


Consuming a spoon of honey can offer numerous health and skin benefits. You can avail of these benefits by directly consuming a spoon of honey or adding it to your regular recipes.

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