Low Sugar Juices Recipes [12 of Our Favorites]

Having a healthy lifestyle can make you fitter. But you cannot lead a healthy life with all that sugar. You need to reduce sugar consumption, which can be easily done by including low-sugar juices in your diet. 

Best Low Sugar Recipes 

Below are great low-sugar juices recipes:

#1 Apple Detox Drink 

You can prepare a glass of apple detox drink because it can effectively reduce the risk of diabetes. In addition, it can control sugar and offer many health benefits. 

You can easily prepare this recipe by adding two carrots, one lemon, a one-inch block of ginger, and one cup of each red and green apple diced in a juicer. This juice in the morning to get the best results. 

#2 The Greenland Drink

Another juice you can add to your low-sugar diet is Greenland drink. This juice offers the goodness of delicious veggies that promotes digestion and detoxifies the body. 

To prepare this drink, add one bunch of chard, one green apple, one lemon, two celery ribs, half a bunch of kale, and one small green cabbage. Juice all the ingredients and enjoy after your workout. 

#3 The Veggie Land Drink 

The veggie land drink is a healthy, low-sugar juice with numerous bodily benefits. 

You can prepare this juice with four carrots, one beet, two tomatoes, one clove of garlic, one bunch of spinach, five rosemary leaves, two celery rubs, watercress, and salt. Add everything to a juicer and serve the drink fresh. 

#4 Bitter Melon Juice 

You can target your high blood glucose levels with a glass of bitter melon juice. To prepare the raw juice, add two bitter melons and some water. 

If you do not like the flavor of bitter melon juice, you can add some more fruits or vegetables to make the taste palatable. You can mix cucumbers, lemons, or green apples to keep the juice low on sugar and healthy. 

#5 Sweet Potato Juice 

You can also prepare sweet potato juice as it is loaded with fibers and has low sugar. With regular consumption of sweet potato juice, you can maintain the blood glucose level in your body. 

To prepare this juice, you need one sweet potato, two celery ribs, one green apple, a one-inch block of ginger, and cinnamon powder. Juice all the ingredients and enjoy a delicious glass of sweet potato juice. 

#6 Broccoli Juice 

Have you ever thought of making broccoli juice? This super healthy juice regularly supplies sulforaphane that helps keep the glucose level under control. 

You can prepare this juice by adding one broccoli head, two apples, and two carrots. You can increase the number of carrots to make the juice more palatable. 

#7 Tomato Cleanser Drink 

You can consume a glass of tomato juice loaded with vitamins and minerals. This drink can keep your heart health in good condition and stay fit. 

Start the preparation of the tomato cleanser drink by de-seeding four big tomatoes and adding them to a jar. In addition, add a bunch of lettuce and juice them. 

#8 Pepper Magic Drink 

You can control the sugar level in your blood by drinking a healthy juice rich in antioxidants. This way, you can also flush all the toxins out of your body. 

To prepare a pepper magic drink, you need one red bell pepper or capsicum, one bunch of spinach, one kiwi, and two celery sticks. Juice everything and serve fresh. 

#9 Dandelion Diabetic Concoction 

You can make another interesting low-sugar juice by using dandelion leaves. This juice is great for people with type 2 diabetes as it helps reduce inflammation and control blood glucose levels. 

Start preparing a dandelion diabetic concoction by adding dandelion leaves, four green apples, one lemon, and ten celery ribs to the juicer. Blend everything and serve fresh. 

#10 Magic Water 

This magic water is for you if you want to increase your water intake to keep your body hydrated. It will detoxify your body in the most healthy and yummy water. 

You can prepare magic water by adding lemon juice, cucumber juice, fresh herbs, mint leaves, crushed berries, and basil leaves. Besides this, you can add many other things to make the water taste better. 

Prepare a jug of magic water so you can drink it each time you feel thirsty. You can re-fill the jug from time to time so you can drink more magic water. 

#11 Energy Booster Beet Juice 

You can use beetroots and add a few other vegetables to prepare a colorful and healthy juice. One glass of this energy booster drink will hydrate your body and keep your blood sugar level in control. 

You can prepare this juice by adding beetroot cubes, four carrots, one celery, one orange, half lemon, one cucumber, one broccoli stalk, one-inch ginger block, and zucchini. Blend well and serve fresh. 

#12 Power of Root 

A shot of root juice can keep the doctor away. This strong juice can surprise your taste bud with its strong ginger taste. 

With the regular consumption of power root juice, you can reduce blood sugar levels and lower the risk of heart disease. To prepare this juice, you need to add four beetroots, two inches of ginger, and half lemon. 

Low Sugar Fruit Options 

Below are some low-sugar fruit options that you can add to your diet, along with low-sugar juices. 

#1 Papaya 

Papaya is a delicious fruit known to be used in the skincare routine. It has low sodium content and helps with low sugar content. Regular consumption of papaya can keep the blood flow and heart health in good condition as the fruit has lycopene. 

Not to mention, papaya is also a good source of vitamin C, A, and protein. It is loaded with fiber and offers protection against different kinds of cancer. 

#2 Guavas 

Another low-sugar and high-fiber fruit is guava, which is great for diabetes. Regular intake of guavas can relieve constipation and lowers the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. 

What’s interesting? Guavas are the only low-sugar fruits with a low glycemic index. Plus, it has a higher content of antioxidants and more vitamin C than oranges. 

#3 Watermelons 

Watermelon is a delicious and hydrating fruit loaded with higher amounts of vitamin C. Like guavas, the glycemic content in watermelon is significantly low. That means even if you eat a bowl full of watermelons, the sugar level in your blood won’t spike. 

#4 Avocado 

Avocado is always on the top of diet plans because it has more nutrients and minerals. In addition, the sugar and fat content is low. Also, avocado has higher fiber content with a good amount of vitamin A, C, E, K, and B6. You can use this fruit for preparing different dishes. 

#5 Grapefruit 

Grapefruits are also popular in the diet plan because it has low sugar content. It is a fat-free fruit with a good amount of vitamin C that helps recover from scurvy. You can consume it to fight cold and cough. 

#6 Strawberries and Blackberries 

Strawberries and blackberries have a good amount of fiber content and protein. In addition, berries are also rich in antioxidants, which makes them a good dietary option. 


If you have diabetes or want to live a healthy lifestyle, you must include low-sugar juices in your diet. You can prepare one of the several low-sugar juice recipes or eat the low-sugar fruits to keep your diet flavorful.

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