How Much Protein Do People Over 50 Need? It’s Much Higher Than You Think!

When it comes to having a healthy and balanced diet, protein plays a major role in maintaining one. Protein provides your body with amino acids and can assist with cutting unhealthy foods and overeating. Amino acids are present in your body to keep mussels and bones repaired and protected. Protein is also full of healthy enzymes and hormones, protecting and promoting the health of your immune system. When you have a lack of protein you risk muscle weakness, which affects your blood sugar and brain function. When you reach a certain age, making sure that you are getting enough protein is more important than ever. But, like anything that you consume, there is always the chance of overdoing it and consuming too much protein. So, just how much is too much?

How Much Protein Do You Need Daily After 50?

As you age, your protein requirements increase. Keeping healthy and active can be achieved by consuming the right levels of protein in your daily diet. Of course, you still need to balance it with other nutrients and exercise. When it comes to protein, you should look for healthy proteins and always limit intake. Variety is your best friend when it comes to choosing and consuming proteins. Too much of one category of protein, such as red meat, can lead to an increased risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. On the other hand, if you use items such as beans or dairy products as your protein source, you run the risk of becoming anemic. Amino acids help our muscles absorb the necessary nutrients to remain strong. When there is a protein deficiency, fatigue, and weakness can be your first clue.

For each protein, there are additional benefits for your health. Fish has healthy fatty amino acids. Beans have fiber. Red meat possesses high levels of iron. The key is finding a balance as to what appeals to your pallet and also keeps you living a healthy lifestyle. Nobody wants to adhere to a diet of foods they aren’t fond of. 

So how do you properly introduce and maintain a high protein level in your daily diet?

How To Calculate How Much Protein You Need

According to experts, you should increase your daily protein from 1 to 1.2 grams of protein per meal or snack can help you reach your healthy level of protein. This is an increase from the typical 54 grams that should be consumed each day. This number changes once you reach the age of 70. You should then be consuming between 70 to 90 grams per day. To keep healthy muscle mass.

Of course, there are variants to these levels. Depending on your height, weight, and lifestyle, your doctor may recommend a specific level to aim for. 

Your age and activity level also comes into play. If you are living a more relaxed lifestyle, you don’t need as high of a protein intake as someone who is exercising strenuously every day. Any pre-existing injuries can also be a factor that you should consider. If you are unable to do certain exercises due to healing or old injuries, sticking to the lower end of the protein scale can prevent further injury or any additional health conditions. 

Are You Getting Too Much Protein?

There is always the risk of getting too much of a good thing. The same goes for protein. If you consume too much protein, it can lead to health issues such as obesity, high blood pressure, strokes, heart disease, and certain cancers. 

Depending on the type of protein that you are consuming, some may contain more calories than you are able to burn off. Especially if your exercise routine has changed or decreased. If you notice that you are gaining weight when eating a protein-based diet, you’re consuming too much a day. Cutting back can reverse these effects. You can also change the type of protein that you are consuming. When it comes to protein, like any food, different varieties are chock full of different types of fats and nutrients. 

While science is out there that high-protein diets are better than diets that are laced with carbohydrates, that still doesn’t give you a free pass to eat all of the protein that you want. Moderation is key. That’s why making a protein-heavy diet can be so beneficial. Proteins, rather than carbohydrates, make you feel full. Then you’re not tempted to have that midnight snack. Moderation is still key. If you notice unexplained weight gain and you haven’t changed your regular routine, cutting back on your protein intake for a while can help identify if that is the issue. 

How Can Older Adults Meet Their Protein Needs?

Meeting your protein requirements is easier than you may think. While most people think of meat when they hear protein, there are plenty of options out there for you, so that you can not only keep your meals interesting but also healthy. When it comes to protein, variety is your friend. 

Between main meals, snacking on nuts or items that are made with whole grains can be a great and easy source of protein. When it comes to breakfast, if you’re a fan of peanut butter, you can eat it on toast or rice cakes for a good morning boost of protein. Adding protein to your breakfast is a great way to start the day off with more energy – just make sure that there are not large amounts of added sugar to your peanut (or other) nut butter. 

Throughout the week, mixing in several different proteins not only keeps your pallet satisfied but provides you with different vitamins and nutrients. Your diet should incorporate as many foods as possible to maintain a healthy balance. 

When it comes to consuming protein once you’re over the age of 50, there are certain things that you need to keep in mind. As we get older, more protein benefits us. It keeps our muscle strength up and provides us with important nutrients. However, it’s important to balance how much protein we consume. Variety is best. Each protein has its own benefit for your health. Sticking to one can lead to health issues down the line. When feeling peckish throughout the day, turn to protein-rich snacks such as nuts. When cooking meals, you rotate through cooking or preparing different proteins to give your system that extra boost. 

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