Chia Seeds and Lemon Water Benefits (Potential Super Health Drink!)

Lemon water is known to help with different health woes, from detoxification to weight loss. But did you know that you can make lemon water much healthier by adding a teaspoon of chia seeds? 

While lemon water is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, chia seeds are rich in fiber. By combining both, you can strengthen your immunity. 

Keep reading to know chia seeds and lemon water benefits. 

Benefits of Chia Seeds and Lemon Water

#1 Strengthen Immunity 

Lemon is the powerhouse of vitamin C, calcium, antioxidants, citric acid, and other nutrients. A study has also revealed that lemon has antibacterial and antiviral properties, which are required to safeguard the immune system from seasonal illnesses and infections. 

On the other hand, chia seeds are known to be rich in calcium, vitamin B, fiber, omega-3, protein, fatty acids, and magnesium. By regularly drinking a glass full of lemon water with chia seeds. You can protect yourself from seasonal health issues. 

#2 Full Body Detoxification 

While the body has enzymes that help in flushing out the toxins from the body, drinking lemon water helps aid this process. Proper detoxification of the body is required for better functioning of the organs. 

You should drink lemon water with chia seeds if you regularly complain about digestive issues, gas, indigestion, or constipation. The fiber-rich chia seeds will help with all sorts of digestive disturbances. 

#3 Initiates Weight Loss 

Do you want to lose extra weight to get in shape? If so, you should drink lemon water with chia seeds on an empty stomach. Regular consumption will help you shed some kilos. 

Chia seeds in lemon water are known to double the nutritional benefits. In fact, the polyphenols in lemon juice can safely suppress fat accumulation, insulin resistance, and cholesterol. 

What’s more? Well, the fiber of chia seeds will keep you full throughout the day, so you don’t get involved in unhealthy snacking. Lastly, chia seeds in lemon water can also help you with diabetes. 

#4 Keeps Heart Healthy 

Did you know that chia seeds are loaded with soluble and insoluble fiber? Regular consumption of these fibers can help with heart health, keeping it healthy. That means the chances of health conditions decrease. 

When you add chia seeds to the antioxidant lemon water, your heart gets the goodness of both items. You can try this drink yourself to experience improved heart functioning and better body detoxification. 

#5 Makes a Good Hydrating Drink 

Does your body often get dehydrated when traveling long distances? If so, chia seeds with lemon water should be your go-to travel buddy. You can simply carry a little container of chia seeds and a water bottle full of lemon water. 

When you are on the plane, add the chia seeds to the bottle of lemon water. Take regular sips to keep your body hydrated throughout the journey. Chia seeds and lemon water also makes an exceptional pre and post-workout drink. 

#6 Great for Digestion 

Chia seeds and lemon water drinks are great for digestion. Wondering how? Well, chia seeds are loaded with fiber, and the acid present in lemon is known to break down the food. So, this mighty combination can help you with easy digestion by keeping your bowel system healthy. 

How to Make Chia Seeds Lemon Water?

Making lemon water with chia seeds is super simple and easy. You would need a medium-sized mason jar to prepare this drink, so you get enough space for shaking the drink. You can also use a straw or spoon to mix the drink. 

Make lemon juice by squeezing half of the lemon. Slice the other half and keep it aside in a bowl. Take the mason jar and fill it with water. Add lemon juice, chia seeds, and lemon slices. Give a nice stir to the drink and let it rest aside for 15 minutes, so the seeds plump up. 

After some time, you will notice that chia seeds have started separating by settling at the bottom and some floating on the top. Don’t worry; just give a nice stir before drinking. 

What is the Texture of Chia Seeds Lemon Water?

Lemon water with chia seeds doesn’t have a smooth texture like a plain glass of water. When you let the chia seeds rest in lemon water for some time, the seeds get plumped up and get a gel-like consistency. 

You can easily make chia seeds with lemon water in no time. But if you are running short on time, you can do a little preparation and refrigerate the drink in a sealed container for around 5 days. 

Before drinking the store’s drink, make sure you shake it well, so the chia seeds don’t remain settled at the bottom. 

When Should You Drink Chia Seeds Lemon Water?

There is no best time to drink chia seeds or lemon water. That means you can have this drink at any time of the day. 

If you are trying to lose weight, it’s better to drink lemon water with chia seeds in the afternoon to avoid overeating. Or you can drink it in the evening to reduce your night appetite. 

But if you are feeling hungry, you should consume nutrient-dense food items instead of consuming this drink. 

Considerations with Lemon Water and Chia Seeds Drink 

While consuming lemon water with chia seeds, remember that this drink should not be replaced with a healthy diet. You should regularly consume nutrient-dense food for a healthy and sustainable weight loss journey. 

While the weight loss rate is slow, your chances of gaining weight are also slow. No matter how healthy chia seeds are, you cannot solely rely on them for your health goals. 

In addition, you must avoid consuming a large number of chia seeds in one go. It’s better to part the healthy diet into multiple sittings. You should consume no more than 2 tablespoons of chia seeds in one go. 

After consuming chia seeds, you must drink a good amount of water. Not drinking plenty of water can increase your risk of constipation. If you are consuming chia seeds for the first time, make sure that you keep yourself hydrated. 

It’s important to note that high fiber in chia seeds can make stomach upset for people who don’t consume much fiber. 

Alternatives to Drinking Chia Seeds Lemon Water 

Below are a few other ways to consume chia seeds besides adding them to lemon water. 

Bake With Chia Seeds

If you don’t want to mix chia seeds with your lemon water, you can add the seeds to your banana bread or muffin batter. Chia seeds also go well with waffles and pancakes. 

What’s more? You can also use chia seeds as a plant-based alternative for baking instead of using eggs. Mix one tablespoon chia seeds with 40 ml of water to make a chia egg. Add the mixture to your baking batter. 

Sprinkle Chia Seeds

You can also sprinkle chia seeds on the top of vegetable dishes, yogurt, rice, green salads, or cereals to make your food healthy. 


Regularly consuming chia seeds mixed with lemon water can help detoxify the body. It also helps with weight loss, keeps the heart healthy, and is good for digestion. 

Besides adding chia seeds to your lemon water, you can also sprinkle them on top of your food. Or you can add it to the pancake, waffle, or banana bread batter. After consuming chia seeds, drink plenty of water to avoid constipation.

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