Black Seed Oil for Hair Growth: How to Use and How it Works

Hair loss is a common problem that many people face around the world. Usually, individuals who suffer from hair loss experience shame and embarrassment around the issue. As such, most people who develop hair loss seek out some form of treatment. When considering ways to treat hair loss, most individuals will think of using over-the-counter hair loss products. While these products may or may not be effective, there are also natural routes available to treat and prevent hair loss. In fact, natural remedies like black seed oil for hair growth have become quite popular in recent decades.

Black Seed Oil for Hair Growth

According to research, black seed oil is a widely consumed herbal ingredient known for its medicinal properties derived from plants native to Western Asia and Eastern Europe. The plant also goes by its scientific name, Nigella sativa, or black cumin, nigella, and kalonji depending on the region. While black seed oil offers plenty of uses and has historical roots as a natural remedy around the world for different conditions, one of the most widely known benefits of the product involves its use in cosmetics.

In fact, some ancient documents show black seed oil cosmetic use dates back several millennia. For example, black seed oil has associations with famous Egyptian royalty such as King Tutankhamun and Cleopatra. Archaeologists found black seed oil in King Tut’s tomb, indicating the substance’s value. Additionally, ancient documents note that Cleopatra, known for her beautiful hair, regularly used black seed oil. While from a different region, some believe the prophet Mohammed even said, “black seed is the remedy for everything but death.”

In the modern world, the benefits of black seed oil for cosmetic and other purposes have been heavily studied by peer-reviewed journals and experts. In fact, researchers have published over 600 peer-reviewed journals analyzing the benefits of black seed oil since the 60s. One of the most heavily researched features of black seed oil involves its relationship to hair strengthening and hair growth.

Black Seed Oil Benefits for Men and Women

While men are more likely to experience hair loss than women, both sexes do experience hair loss. Black seed oil benefits both men and women as a natural hair loss and strengthening remedy. Black seed oil research claims that its’ density in antioxidants, antifungal properties, antibacterial properties, and nutrients contributes to hair growth and strength. Additionally, the black seed oil is rich in thymoquinone, linolenic acid, and linoleic, all of which are properties that promote hair strength and growth.

One of the most convincing black seed oil studies involving the prevention of hair loss and encouragement of hair growth examined a group of individuals suffering from telogen effluvium. Telogen effluvium is a hair loss condition induced by traumatic or stressful events that typically start on the top of the head. Over the course of 3 months, some patients involved in the study received black seed oil treatments while others received the placebo. By the end of the study, researchers found that black seed oil promoted both hair density and thickness in patients who did not receive the placebo. Additionally, since most telogen effluvium patients endure scalp inflammation, the group that received black seed oil treatments also experienced less inflammation. Scalp inflammation influences the loss of hair, and less scalp inflammation likely positively influenced hair growth in black seed oil patients.

Other Hair Loss-Related Benefits

More so, black seed oil’s antifungal and antibacterial features contribute to overall scalp and hair health. A dandruff-free scalp and clean scalp help to prevent hair loss. Since most cases of dandruff are fungal or bacterial in nature, black seed oil helps ease the effects of dandruff-inducing microbiomes. Some of the most stubborn cases of dandruff receive clinical diagnoses of seborrheic dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatitis is a common yeast or fungal infection that usually attacks the scalp. Additionally, black seed oil naturally moisturizes the scalp due to its content of antioxidants and amino acids. Black seed oil’s moisturizing property helps soothe seborrheic dermatitis, scalp eczema, and even scalp psoriasis.

Lastly, experts have linked the use of black seed oil to treating vitiligo. Vitiligo is a condition that causes loss of pigmentation around the body due to a significant loss of pigment-producing cell function. Typical manifestations of vitiligo include loss of color on the skin, hair, or eyes. While vitiligo may not be directly associated with hair loss, it may be related to alopecia areata as they are both autoimmune disorders. Alopecia areata causes hair to fall out in clumps, randomly around the scalp or other parts of the body. Black seed oil studies have also examined the product as a treatment for patients with vitiligo and found that patients who used the oil experienced improvements in their condition.

How to Use Black Seed Oil for Hair Growth 

After educating yourself on the benefits of black seed oil for hair health and growth, you may be wondering how to use black seed oil to maintain healthy hair. Creating a hair treatment based on black seed oil is relatively easy to make and very easy to use.

First, you will need to purchase black seed oil and a carrier oil that is also healthy for your hair and scalp. Using too much black seed oil without any dilutions may irritate your scalp and cause discomfort. Typically, most people create a hair treatment with a mix of black seed oil, coconut oil, castor oil, or olive oil to massage into their scalp. With whatever carrier oils you choose to mix in with your black seed oil, make sure all contents are equal in parts.

After you create your black seed oil treatment, you may gently massage the oil combination directly onto your scalp. Focus on the area where you believe you are experiencing the most hair loss. It is best to apply your black seed oil treatment on a day you plan to shower or on a day directly before you plan to shower. Leave the oils on your scalp for at least 45 minutes. You may even keep the oil on your scalp for 24 hours. However, it is wise not to keep the oils on your scalp for too long as the combination of oils may clog pores or cause scalp irritation.

Lastly, after you have waited 24 hours or for at least 45 minutes, start your shower. You may utilize the shampoo you typically use while showering. Some people also incorporate pleasant smelling herbs that are also good for hair into their black seed oil mixture for a scent that compliments nice smelling shampoos and conditioners.

Black Seed Oil and Hair Health

Most people may not know that it is completely normal and healthy to lose hair regularly. However, if you start to notice that you are losing more hair than you typically do, you may be suffering from an underlying condition that is causing you to lose excessive amounts of hair. Black seed oil may be an effective way for you to treat your hair loss. However, if you use black seed oil and do not notice any improvements in hair growth or a reduction in hair loss, it may be time for you to see a doctor. A medical professional will be able to identify any underlying conditions and suggest treatment from there.

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