10 Bizarre Valuable Collector’s Items Worth More Than Your Mortgage

Welcome to the unreal world of bizarre valuable collector’s items worth more than your mortgage! From haunted kitchen appliances to fossilized chewing gum, the realm of eccentric collectors knows no bounds. This niche market is fueled by a combination of nostalgia, novelty, and sheer oddity, attracting individuals willing to spend vast sums on items that defy conventional logic. 

Let’s take a fascinating journey through some of the most peculiar and expensive collectibles that captivate imaginations and challenge our understanding of value.  The next time you think about what to collect, consider venturing into the realm of the bizarre and eccentric. Who knows? You might just stumble upon a bizarre valuable collector’s item worth more than your mortgage! 

Haunted Toaster Oven

Bizarre Collector's Items

Ever heard of a toaster oven with a ghostly reputation? Well, meet the haunted toaster oven that once graced the kitchen of a famous celebrity chef. Legend has it that this seemingly ordinary appliance is possessed by a mischievous spirit, causing it to turn on and off at will and occasionally emit eerie noises. Despite its supernatural quirks, collectors eagerly fork over fortunes to claim ownership of this paranormal piece of culinary history.

Interestingly, some owners have reported seeing ghostly apparitions near the toaster, adding to its eerie allure. Additionally, the appliance has been featured in various paranormal documentaries, further enhancing its notoriety and value. This haunted toaster oven has been sold for as much as $10,000 at auction.

Cursed Rubber Duck Collectibles

Bizarre Collector's Items & collectables

Rubber ducks may seem harmless, but not when they’re cursed! Enter the world of the cursed rubber duck collection, where each quacker is rumored to bring misfortune to its owner. Despite the warnings, collectors are drawn to these cursed bath toys like moths to a flame, believing them to be quirky and valuable additions to their collections. 

Some have even reported strange occurrences after acquiring these cursed duckies, adding to their mystique. One notable story involves a collector whose entire bathtub turned mysteriously cold every time a cursed duck was placed in it. Another collector swears that their cursed duck quacks in the middle of the night, further deepening the eerie charm of these unusual items. Individual ducks in this collection have been known to sell for up to $5,000 each.

Vintage Traffic Cone Collectibles

Bizarre Collector's Items

Who would have thought that vintage traffic cones could fetch exorbitant prices? But in the world of collectors, even mundane objects like traffic cones have a story to tell. From those used in iconic movie scenes to those marking historical events, these seemingly ordinary cones are considered valuable pieces of cultural history. Collectors eagerly shell out hefty sums to add these traffic relics to their collections, proving that one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. 

Some traffic cones have even been signed by famous personalities, increasing their value. Additionally, cones from specific locations, such as Times Square during New Year’s Eve, have a unique appeal due to their association with significant events. These vintage traffic cones have been auctioned for prices reaching $3,000.

Celebrity Nail Clippings Collectibles

If you thought collecting celebrity memorabilia couldn’t get any weirder, think again. Some collectors have a bizarre fascination with celebrity nail clippings, considering them prized possessions worthy of hefty price tags. Whether it’s a snippet from a famous actor or a clip from a renowned musician, these discarded nail clippings fetch surprisingly high prices at auctions. Dedicated collectors vie for a piece of their favorite celebrity’s personal grooming history, turning nail clippings into coveted collectibles.

 Interestingly, some nail clippings come with certificates of authenticity, further legitimizing their value. Additionally, there are rumors of a secret market where these clippings are traded among elite collectors, driving up demand and prices. Celebrity nail clippings can sell for anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000, depending on the celebrity’s fame.

Fossilized Chewing Gum Collectibles

Believe it or not, there’s a market for fossilized chewing gum, and collectors are willing to pay top dollar for it. Whether it’s associated with a famous historical figure or a significant event, these hardened blobs of gum are seen as unique relics preserving a moment in time. From gum chewed by iconic celebrities to pieces found in archaeological digs, collectors consider these fossilized treats as valuable additions to their collections, proving that even something as mundane as gum can become a sought-after collectible. 

Some pieces of fossilized gum have been found in ancient ruins, offering a glimpse into the past. Additionally, certain gums have been analyzed to reveal traces of DNA, linking them to specific historical figures and increasing their value. Fossilized chewing gum has been known to fetch prices as high as $3,500.

Vintage Toilet Paper Rolls Collectibles

In the world of eccentric collectors, even something as ordinary as vintage toilet paper rolls can be highly sought after. Whether it’s for their historical significance or quirky packaging designs, these rolls command hefty sums at auction. From rolls used by royalty to those featuring unique prints, collectors vie for the chance to add these bathroom relics to their collections, turning toilet paper into a surprisingly valuable commodity. 

Some rolls are valued for their association with significant historical events, such as World War II. Additionally, certain vintage rolls are known for their artistic packaging, which has become a rare and collectible form of art in itself. Vintage toilet paper rolls have been sold for up to $1,500 each.

Alien Abduction Insurance Policies

Ever worried about being abducted by aliens? Some collectors have taken their fears to the extreme by investing in alien abduction insurance policies. While these policies offer tongue-in-cheek coverage in the event of an otherworldly encounter, some collectors view them as humorous curiosities worthy of investment. 

These policies fetch surprisingly high prices at auctions, proving that there’s a market for even the most outlandish forms of insurance. Interestingly, some policies come with detailed and imaginative terms and conditions, adding to their novelty value. Additionally, a few of these policies have been signed by renowned ufologists, increasing their appeal to collectors. Alien abduction insurance policies can sell for upwards of $10,000.

Presidential Belly Button Lint Collectibles

Yes, you read that right—presidential belly button lint is a thing. Allegedly harvested from former U.S. presidents, this purported collection of belly button lint has captured the fascination of collectors worldwide. Despite its questionable authenticity, this oddity has garnered attention from collectors fascinated by its absurdity. 

Some have even spent considerable sums to acquire a piece of this presidential grooming history, proving that collectors’ eccentricities are unlimited. The lint is often displayed in elaborate cases with detailed descriptions, enhancing its collectible appeal. Additionally, some pieces are claimed to have been obtained during significant historical moments, adding to their perceived value. Presidential belly button lint has been known to sell for as much as $5,000 per vial.

Vintage Potato Chip Shapes Collectibles

Who knew that potato chips could be works of art? In the world of collectors, rare potato chips bearing unusual shapes resembling famous landmarks, celebrities, or mythical creatures are highly sought after. These crispy oddities are preserved and displayed like precious artworks, with collectors competing fiercely to add them to their collections.

 Whether it’s a chip shaped like the Eiffel Tower or one resembling Elvis Presley, these potato chip shapes prove that beauty can indeed be found in the most unexpected places. Some chips are even preserved using special techniques to maintain their shape and freshness. Additionally, certain chips are part of limited-edition runs, making them even more desirable to collectors. Vintage potato chip shapes can fetch prices up to $1,200 each.

Museum of Failed Products Collectibles

Ever wondered what happens to products that flop spectacularly in the market? Some of them find a second life as sought-after collectibles in the Museum of Failed Products. From absurd inventions to downright impractical gadgets, this museum showcases a treasure trove of failed products that have captured collectors’ imaginations.

Despite their lack of commercial success, these items have become valuable collectibles for those who appreciate their novelty value, proving that even failure can be profitable in the world of collecting. Some items in the museum have become so famous for their failure that they are now considered cult classics. Additionally, the museum often features rotating exhibits, keeping the interest of collectors and visitors alike high. Items from the Museum of Failed Products can sell for up to $2,500.

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