5 Holistic Ways to Get Rid of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can be a major problem for people of any gender, but they’re usually considered an aesthetic issue that only affects women. However up to 55% of women and 45% of men respectively have these bulgy lumps on their legs which may cause pain when walking or standing for long periods in certain positions such as sitting down at desk jobs with little leg movement.

While there are many treatments for varicose veins, some can be quite invasive and painful. The most popular of these would include surgery or compression clothing, but surgery caries the risk that it will damage your nerves over time as well as causing other problems in addition to making you worse off then before you started!

Varicose veins are actually a symptom of an underlying problem in the circulatory system, and one that can be largely corrected through lifestyle changes. Here are some of the best ways to reduce varicose veins.

Make Sure to Exercise

Movement is key to keeping blood flowing and reducing inflammation throughout the body. If you’re sitting for long periods of time, especially with crossed legs or standing without moving often increases your risk in developing varicose veins due poor circulation from stagnation.

Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a powerful natural cleanser that can help improve your circulation and blood flow. Apply it directly onto the skin over varicose veins, gently massage for few seconds then leave on overnight-in morning notice improvement after just one month!

Use More Olive Oil

Keep your skin looking young and vibrant with the help of some easy-to use natural remedies. Mix equal parts extra virgin olive oil, vitamin E oils (you can find these at most grocery stores) in a bowl or cup; heat it slightly if needed so that they are not too cold when applied on problem areas for best results! Massage gently into affected area(s). Do this twice daily until varicose veins symptoms disappear – which could take up to six weeks but often much sooner than expected!.


Turmeric is a food that can help reduce inflammation and pain. It also has an antioxidant effect on our body, which helps remove toxins from the blood stream as well! To make this miracle drink try mixing together 1 teaspoon each of cinnamon , clove , nutmeg with hot water to create turmeric tea . You could add some raw honey if you want it sweeter or use your favorite milk instead for thickness purposes

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is a spice that can be found in many dishes and has been shown to help with inflammation, blood circulation problems as well as pain from varicose veins. For the most benefits though try adding it raw whenever possible or grind up some cayenne peppers into your food such as oatmeal for an added kick!

If you want to get rid of your painful varicose veins, then it’s time for a lifestyle change. You can do this by making just some small changes in the way that we live and adding an extra step at night – taking care of our self externally as well internally.

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